“Social media has the capacity to allow us to socialize, stay connected, spread news, start movements, make change, educate, and learn,” Dr. Mehmet Oz, TV personality, cardiothoracic surgeon and Columbia University professor tells Parade.com. “In 2019, over 246 million Americans had social networking profiles, and in 2020, social media was a vital source to stay connected to our friends and family as we were socially distanced to help protect one another … but the way we use it impacts our physical, social, emotional, and intellectual health.” “If you find yourself feeling worn down and overwhelmed when you are scrolling through your news feed,” Dr. Oz adds, “it may be time to take a break.” Actress and model Pamela Anderson recently made headlines when she announced on Instagram that she was quitting social media. In a post that garnered 35K likes, Anderson wrote: I’ve never been interested in social media And now that Im settled into the life Im genuinely inspired by reading and being in nature. I am free." She later called social media “wasted time.” Can you relate to Anderson’s desire to disconnect? Have you thought about quitting social media cold turkey and seeing how it goes? If so, here are 10 things that happen when you quit social media. 

What Happens When You Quit Social Media

You may be anxious, at least at first Before we get into the positive effects of quitting social media, it’s important to address the negative ones, i.e your immediate reaction may be one of anxiety or stress. Of course, this feeling is temporary and is likely a withdrawal-based reaction as withdrawal, by definition, is the act or process of ceasing something. It includes the physical and emotional response we feel to giving something up. And while this can be stressful and anxiety-inducing, don’t fret: This response is short-lived. Feelings of anxiety usually pass in just a few days. You may also feel lonely or disconnected In addition to being anxious in the hours, days, and weeks after “giving up” social media, you may also feel lonely or disconnected. After all, one of the greatest attributes of social media is how connected it makes us feel. “Social media is a great tool for staying connected with friends and family, learning and exploring new hobbies/interests, and finding a community of like-minded people,” Erika Martinez, a licensed psychologist in Miami, Florida, tells Parade. FOMO, or fear of missing out, is also a real response. The good news is there are other ways to stay connected. Texts, emails, and phone calls are great. Online clubs and support groups are a nice way to meet like-minded people, and there is no substitute for a good ol’ in-person meetup, when safe, of course. Your mental health will improve While you may feel discontent shortly after quitting social media, the truth is “logging out” (or off) is beneficial to your mental health. In fact, numerous studies have shown a direct correlation between depression and excessive social media use. “Social media use has been linked with increased levels of anxiety and depression,” Dr. Oz tells Parade, “especially in the teenage population. A 2019 study of more than 6,500 12- to 15-year-olds in the U.S. found that those who spent more than three hours a day using social media might be at heightened risk for mental health problems.” If you’re nervous, down, or burnt out, it may be time to step away from social media—and the screen. You will sleep better From life stressors and responsibilities to a full (and, often, overflowing) work schedule, most of us aren’t getting enough sleep. But did you know social media and screen time usage can affect how many Z’s you catch? It’s true. The blue light from our devices disrupts sleep. What’s more, individuals who check their social media feeds frequently often have greater sleep disturbances. To combat this, close the computer, put the phone down, and log out. You can also turn on your phone’s “do not disturb” setting each night. You will be more productive Did you ever “lose” an hour scrolling through social media? How about 15 minutes? Many of us have. It’s easy to get lost online. But Amy Morin, LCSW, tells Parade that many people feel better when they get their time back. “Scrolling for a few minutes here can add up to hours every day,” she says. “But when my clients give up social media, they feel freer and more productive.” You will feel less stressed Decreased levels of anxiety and depression are but one mental health benefit of quitting social media. In fact, the amount of time you spend on these sites is directly related to whether or not you feel stressed out or happy. “Quitting social media can let you enjoy the things you have and feel grateful for these instead of focusing on what you don’t have,” Martinez says, which social media (unintentionally) allows us to do. Cortisol production also tends to decrease, leaving you calmer and more focused. Your confidence may see a boost As we’ve already mentioned, social media is something of a double-edged sword. It allows us to stay connected to others but it also keeps us connected 24/7—which can be problematic in its own right. However, “by leaving social media, one is less likely to compare oneself to others or want the next latest trendy product,” Martinez explains. “One is less likely to get FOMO anxiety, too, and leaving social media will allow you to cultivate better relationships with the people around you. It can also let you enjoy the things you have and instead of focusing on what you don’t,” boosting your confidence and your overall sense of wellbeing. Your posture will improve While it may seem strange to mention improved posture in relation to social media, cutting down on cell phone and computer usage can do wonders for your neck and back. “When we go on social media from our phones and devices, we unfortunately assume a slouched position,” Dr. Oz tells Parade. “Our shoulders are pulled forward and our back is not straight, and this poor posture can strain our back and neck muscles. It can also contribute to headaches.” The good news is that poor posture can be corrected, easily and painlessly, with stretching and strengthening exercises and a change to our daily routine. Eye strain will be reduced While social media—in and of itself—isn’t the cause of eye strain, spending excessive time on your computer, cell phone, and/or other devices can cause vision problems. According to the Kraff Eye Institute, digital eye strain affects about 50 percent of computer users. And DES can cause a wide range of problems, including headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain. To minimize the effects of DES you should log off of the computer — and out of social media. You may become more in tune with emotions One of the most surprising benefits of quitting social media is its effect on our emotions and how we understand emotions. “Quitting social media can also help you read emotions better,” Morin explains. “Many studies have found that social media interferes with our ability to pick up on social cues and subtle emotional expressions. Taking a break from social media allows those skills to return.” It can also aid with emotional regulation. Next up, here’s everything you need to know about text therapy.


Dr. Mehmet Oz,  television personality, cardiothoracic surgeon and Columbia University professorErika Martinez, a licensed psychologist in Miami, FloridaAmy Morin, LCSWJournal of Clinical Psychology: “No More FOMO: Limiting Social Media Decreases Loneliness and Depression"Johns Hopkins University: “Teen Social Media Use May Increase Risk of Mental Health Problems"Preventative Medicine: “The Association between Social Media Use and Sleep Disturbance among Young Adults” Quitting Social Media  Benefits of Getting Off Social Media - 53