Lead singer David Wimbish shares, “It was a song idea that sparked on my front porch while I was enjoying this otherwise perfect day, but I found myself looking down at this sun-scorched plant—and I just had the realization that, no matter how well things may be going, the blues can and will sneak their way in—and often with no perceivable reason or cure.” Listen now: To release it as a winter one-off, Wimbish and the band worked within the confines of COVID-19 recording set-up—a new approach and process for them.The band tappedStephen Price (Charlie Hunter, Chad Lawson) and his studio in High Point, North Carolina for the session. “It wasn’t your typical session of course, because of all of the COVID-19 protocols—we weren’t all together like usual. But in a strange way—how it all came together really matched the vibe and tone of the overall song—the whole year, really…” said Wimbish, “When I heard Stephen’s first mix, I was blown away! It’s so incredibly delicateand it really brings out the magic that happens between Sarah [McCoy], Hayden [Cooke] and I.” The Collection is a2019 NPR Tiny Desk Judge’s Pick and has released three records independently. Their raucous live show has drawn accolades nationwide and has seen them touring with pals The Oh Hellos and on various festival side stages—steadily making waves with each new record. With touring at a halt the band has spent their downtime this year as we all have: adjusting and tweaking their routines to the times; trying—as a lot of bands are—to figure out what being in a band, recording and making music together even is during these times. “I guess one of the song’s main messages and what I hope people take from it,” says Wimbish “is just a lot of what we’ve been hearing and facing during this pandemic—we just have to be kind and patient with ourselves and ride it out as it comes.” Next, do people who are tone deaf hear music differently?