In fact, according to a recent survey conducted by in partnership with the Cleveland Clinic, before the pandemic, nearly three-quarters of Americans (70%) ranked their mental health as strong. During the lockdown, less than half (47%) could say this. It should come as no surprise that 82% of people now believe mental health is just as important as physical health, according to a recent survey. If you’re ready to take the next step on your mental health journey, you may be thinking about looking for a great therapist. Unfortunately, finding the right therapist isn’t always as easy as it should be—so here’s everything you need to know about how to find the perfect therapist for you.

How to find a therapist

Be clear about what you’re looking for in a therapist

Therapists differ widely in personalities and styles of working, so it’s important to be clear about what you’re looking for.  Cameron Murphey, LMFT suggests asking yourself the following questions: “Do you want a therapist who is more expressive and creative, or a therapist who focuses more on skill-building and goal-setting? Do you want a therapist who talks more and guides the session, or steps back and lets you explore?”

Talk to more than one therapist before choosing one

Therapists usually offer a free 20-minute consultation. Make use of this!  “Schedule as many calls as you feel comfortable with. Rather than going through your story over and over, come up with some questions to ask them. What would you like to know? Is it important to you that they have an evidence-based approach? This is your chance to ask about what’s important to you in a therapist. And feel free to tell them you need some time to think before making a decision,” Murphey explains. It’s worth taking the extra time and effort to find a good fit. “It may seem daunting, but it is better to spend a month sifting through eight to ten therapists and finding the right one, than settling down with the first decent one you talk to,” Murphey adds. “You’ll work with this person for at least three to six months, so put in the initial investment to find the right person.”

Trust your gut

When you talk to a therapist, Murphey recommends asking yourself: “Do I like this person? Do I feel like they have something to offer me? Is this someone I can imagine talking to for an hour a week for the next six months?” Go with your gut feeling. If the consult conversation was boring, why would it be any different going forward?

Ask your friends, family, or larger social network if they can recommend any good therapists

“This may take some courage on your part, but the payoff might be huge. It’s possible that people you know have already done the hard work of vetting a good therapist. You will still need to talk to them and see if they’re right for you, but you will at least be starting with someone of quality,” Murphey states.

If you can afford it, don’t cheap out.

You can’t put a price on your mental health. “Have you heard the expression ‘Buy cheap, buy twice’? This applies to finding a therapist as well. If you can afford it, be willing to pony up the extra dough to get someone good,” says Murphey. “Good therapists tend to charge more: since more people want to work with them, they have the freedom to set a higher fee.”

Read up on different therapeutic approaches 

Researching what’s out there will help you determine what would be the best fit for you. Examples include cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT), eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), rapid resolution therapy (RRT), or acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT).  “Consider which approach might be most useful to you based on your personality and learning style as well as your problem,” Karen R. Koenig, MEd., LCSW, explains.

Consider whether you want family, couples, or individual therapy

“Most people start with individual therapy, but that is not always the most useful. Couples and family therapy are very effective and may show results more quickly than a one-on-one approach,” says Koenig.

Decide if you need a specialist

There are therapists who specialize in certain areas. “Although there are many generic therapists, you might need someone for a specific problem such as dysregulated eating, substance abuse, chronic pain, or trauma resolution,” Koenig states. “Specialists are experts in their field and may also have extra training in it.”

Go into your first session with an open mind 

Pay attention to how you feel. Ask yourself, “Does the therapist’s space feel comfortable to you? Are their hours workable for your schedule? Do they seem confident and self-assured? Do you feel heard and validated?” says Koenig.

Consider your reasons for going to therapy and your commitment to it

Are you looking for an answer to a specific problem or are you generally unhappy and want to understand the cause or have unresolved issues from childhood?  “The answer to these questions will determine whether you want a therapist who does short-term therapy, also known as Brief Treatment, or whether you’re looking to engage in a long-term venture such as psychoanalysis,” says Koenig.

Use a reliable online platform 

It’s important to verify your therapist’s credibility. “Using your health insurance provider’s database or the American Psychological Association locator can verify credibility and credentials,” Crystal Burwell, PhD., director of outpatient services at Newport Healthcare, Atlanta, states. “By researching other reliable databases, such as Psychology Today, you can find a multitude of options that may work for you. Word of mouth referrals may prove to be useful as well, but be sure to verify credentials.”

Explore local options 

Traveling far to go to a therapist can interrupt your schedule and make it less enticing to try therapy. So find a local therapist, or try online video therapy.  “By finding a local therapist, it may make it easier for you to fit therapy more seamlessly into your schedule. However, finding the therapist that’s right for you is most important. If the distance is an issue, inquire about online or hybrid options. Make this determination the same way you would with a medical doctor,” Dr. Burwell explains. Next, read about 30 of the best mental health apps.


Cameron Murphey, LMFTKaren R. Koenig, M.Ed.,LCSWCrystal Burwell, Ph.D., director of outpatient services at Newport Healthcare, Atlanta How to Find the Right Therapist for You - 28