And it’s not something to take lightly. “It is a life-threatening condition,” says Dr. Payel Gupta, MD, an allergist in New York. “I think that’s very important for people to understand.” In addition to taking their asthma seriously, you can support your friends, coworkers, and loved ones with asthma in taking care of themselves in other ways. Here’s how.

Learn to recognize the symptoms of an asthma attack

An asthma attack, or exacerbation, is usually characterized by coughing, wheezing, and trouble breathing, according to the Mayo Clinic. If you know that your friend or a family member has severe asthma, you might want to keep an ear open for those audible signs of a developing asthma attack. Every person with asthma experiences it a little bit differently, but persistent coughing, wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest pain and tightness are all very common symptoms that you can watch out for–or listen for.

Speak up when you notice the symptoms

The best way to deal with an asthma attack is with early intervention. When a person with asthma has an asthma attack, they usually need to use a rescue inhaler containing a medication called a bronchodilator to help relax the muscles that are contracting and narrowing their airways. “But sometimes patients themselves aren’t aware that they’re wheezing or huffing and puffing as they go up the stairs, or they’re coughing,” says Dr. Michael Wechsler, MD, professor of medicine and director of the Nation Jewish Health Cohen Family Asthma Institute in Denver, Colorado. So, when you notice those signs–the coughing or the wheezing, etc.–say something. Speak up so they can address those symptoms before they get worse. “Sometimes they need that little nudge,” says Dr. Gupta. Something else to watch out for: if you notice they’re using their rescue inhaler a lot, that might be a sign that they’re struggling to control their asthma symptoms, too. And it’s important to not overuse that medication, says Dr. Gupta.

Know how to respond during an asthma attack

If you spend a lot of time around someone with severe asthma, you may be present when an asthma attack strikes. So, it’s useful to know how you can respond in such a situation. One possible way to plan: ask them if you could view their asthma action plan, which is an individualized plan that each person with asthma creates with their doctor to outline specific steps to take. And when the asthma attack does happen, ideally, you will remain calm and encourage them to try to remain calm, too. Help them follow their asthma action plan and be ready to take them to the emergency room or urgent care center if their symptoms don’t improve.

Don’t smoke

One of the most important steps you can take to support a family member, friend, or coworker with severe asthma is to stop smoking around them. As the Cleveland Clinic warns, tobacco smoke is a “powerful trigger” for asthma symptoms. The smoke irritates the linings of the airways, which are already extra sensitive in a person with asthma. If you can avoid smoking when your loved one is present, that can help them avoid the smoke that might trigger an attack. But also keep in mind that the scent of old smoke—left behind on clothing or furniture—might be a trigger, too.

Make your home as safe as possible

If you live with someone with severe asthma, consider improvements that you can make to your home environment. “You want to make that place as perfect as you can,” says Dr. Luis Torero, MD, a pediatric pulmonologist with Northwestern Medicine’s Regional Medical Group. This is true for both kids and adults with severe asthma. For example, you could buy an air purifier for their bedroom. And since dust is a common trigger, try to keep your home, especially the sleeping quarters, as dust-free as possible. That might entail regular vacuuming, dusting, and washing linens. If your child loves to sleep snuggled up with their pets, it may be time to have a difficult conversation. Since some people’s asthma gets triggered by pets, you may need to remove the cat or the dog from your child’s room at night.

Swap chores or tasks

Some people with asthma are very sensitive to dust. For others, tobacco smoke or air pollution or pollen might as well be kryptonite. Whatever your loved one’s triggers happen to be, you can help them avoid them–if you know what they are. And you can offer to swap chores or tasks that might be likely to trigger an asthma attack. For example, if it’s time to vacuum the dusty carpets or wipe down the living room furniture, you might volunteer to take on that particular task and let your friend or family member handle another chore instead. Next up: If You or Someone You Love Has Asthma, Here Are the 8 Most Common Triggers to Know About


Payel Gupta, MD, allergist.Luis Torero, MD, pediatric pulmonologist. Northwestern Medicine’s Regional Medical Group.Michael Wechsler, MD, pulmonologist. National Jewish Health.Asthma Attack. Mayo Clinic.Asthma Facts & Figures. Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA).Bronchodilators & Asthma. Cleveland Clinic.Smoking & Asthma. Cleveland Clinic. Supporting friends or workmates with asthma. Asthma UK.What is Asthma?American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology Everything You Need to Know About Supporting Someone With Asthma - 59