Easter Memes
1. Don’t feel bad for staying home this Easter.
2. Easter 2020 (and, for most of us, also 2021) in a meme.
3. Hey, whatever makes you feel confident.
4. Ew!
5. Drake and Josh fans are giggling.
6. A classic.
7. Let your freak flag fly this Easter!
8. What happens when bunnies are so cute you just want to eat them up!
9. We love an encore.
10. He’s baaaaaack.
11. Gamers (and their parents!) will get this.
12. When you only hang with the most precious of peeps.
13. We’ve all had those nights and mornings.
14. Hey, you bought it, don’t apologize!
15. What’s worse, this or the bonnets?
16. Ducking autocorrect!
17. The Last Supper would have been tough for wait staff.
18. But mom!
19. Pandemic Easter, done.
20. Remember: It’s egg dyeing.
21. Remember this next time they can’t find their soccer shoes.
22. An inconvenient truth.
23. Yes.
24. Just wait until the bunny gets asked about their mom.
25. We admire the resourcefulness here.
26. This is deep.
27. Dang, remember Gotye?
28. Admit it: This is an amazing idea.
29. When you put it that way…
30. We hope this doesn’t happen at your house this Easter!
31. Getting a good Easter family photo is even hard for bunnies.
32. Or The Velveteen Rabbit!
33. Climate change has a lot of us like…
34. For Easter night!
35. Easter memes just got meta!
Next, celebrate Easter Sunday with 50 Easter Bible verses!