A warning: Clubs are led by a variety of licensed professionals, as well as enthusiasts. When you listen and participate in these discussions, it’s wise to heed the disclaimer offered by many clubs—that information shared is for the purpose of education or entertainment, and is not a substitute for therapy or medical advice. That said, are you ready to jump into Clubhouse to get physically and mentally healthier? Here are 20 well-known clubs, as well as some hidden gems, to up your healthy game:
Best general health clubs
1. All Things COVID
5,700 members, 31,100 followers This club shares and learns evidence-based information on everything related to COVID-19, including vaccines, policy, masks and symptoms. MDs and PhDs are actively involved in discussions. Popular room: Join the weekly Q&A with scientists and expert clinicians who answer questions about COVID-19 at 12 pm PST on Thursdays.
2. My Dynamic Uterus
3,300 members, 6,500 followers This club provides discussions from experts and Q&A about all things related to menstruation, fertility, menopause and more. Says one member, “Women in the rooms are asking everything from basic to complicated questions that are not getting answered from their own OB-GYNs. Dr. Cindy has assembled supportive experts that give answers to those questions, and give them actionable steps to go back to their own providers with.” Recent room topics: Determining possible hormonal imbalances, requesting specific lab tests, learning more about pelvic floor physical therapy and steps that can be taken for heavy periods.
3. Health is Wealth
553 members, 48,000 followers This club offers weekly conversations around ways to increase physical, social, and mental wellbeing.
4. Brain Wellness
1 member, 49 followers Take a deep dive into brain health, with discussions about sleep, depression, brain networks and more. One fan says the weekly conversations on Fridays at 1 pm PST with David Perlmutter, MD, are “amazing.”
5. Eastern Medicine
794 members, 109 followers This club offers sharing, learning and growth on topics about Eastern Medicine, including Tibetan and Chinese medicine, and Ayurveda. Recent room topics: “The Science of Sustainable Weight Loss,” “Self Care Q&A,” and “The Science of Healthy Sleep.”
6. Using Essential Oils Safely
516 members, 497 followers Lea Jacobson, Certified Clinical Aromatherapist, leads discussions about the everyday uses of essential oils and how to use them safely, regardless of what brand you use.
Best clubs for healthy eating, nutrition, diet, weight loss
7. Plant-Based Food + Wellness
1,100 members; 131,000 followers The largest food, plant-based and vegan community in Clubhouse offers multiple discussions each day with talks from “founders, funders and foodies in the nutrition and plant space.” Recent room topics: “Plant-Based Eating for Athletic Performance,” “Yoga Is Vegan! Healing Through Yoga and Veganism” and “Plant-Powered Physicians - The Kitchen Clinic,” as well as conversations around recipes, products and services.
8. Nutrition, Food, Health & Research
4,300 members, 34,100 followers This group is moderated by Registered Dieticians and opens a space for discussions about health, nutrition and food research. Weekly discussions share knowledge and evidence-based information.
9. Weight Loss Community
736 members, 402 followers This club offers a “safe place” to talk about losing weight, diets, workout plans, and emotional struggles. It’s open to those considering a weight loss journey, people who want to get motivated, and anyone who wants to share a success story.
10. Low FODMAP Community
107 members, 65 followers This club is the first Low FODMAP community on Clubhouse, and discusses and educates on gastrointestinal issues, gut health, IBS and FODMAPs. Anyone from those interested in a Low FODMAP diet to those who follow it are welcome. Says one member, “This club is level 10 for anyone that’s been struggling with GI issues. The thing about gut problems is that you feel alone. Being in a space with people that get it helps you to feel less alone. The best thing is that you get to connect with those that are struggling and create solutions and a sense of belonging.”
11. The Keto Diet
5,800 members, 7,300 followers Learn everything you need to know about the ketogenic diet and eating low carb, in this popular club. Daily discussions include “Ask a Keto Coach,” “Keto Support and Motivation” and keto cooking tips.
Best mental and emotional support and mindfulness clubs
12. Human Behaviour
25,500 members, 461,000 followers Consistently ranked in the top 10 most followed clubs on Clubhouse, discussions center on the ways in which lifestyle changes, tech interventions and pioneering thinkers in the mental health field can come together to improve mental health. Popular room: Behavioural Health - AMA with Psychiatrists: Sunday nights from 6:55 to 9 pm EST. Discussions include education on common mental health concerns like depression, bipolar disorder and ADHD, as well as specialized talks on OCD, Narcissistic Personality Disorder, and more.
13. Sphere
9,200 members, 5,500 followers This club’s goal is to change the conversation about mental health. “Being able to listen to providers/patients/family members of patients/even random folks speak about mental health is an outlet that does not exist ‘in real life’ for most people,” says one member. “It has become my home base for all things mental health. And I’ve been pleasantly surprised to even learn about groundbreaking treatments that I’ve never heard about anywhere else, such as Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS).” The member recommends the “PsychCrunch Disrupt” room on Sundays at 2 pm EST, as well as “The Future of Mental Health” that is hosted on Mondays at 7:30 pm EST as great starting points for those new to Clubhouse and interested in mental health.
14. Neurodiverse Squad
25 members, 198 followers This club offers a safe space to have conversations about ADHD and other neurodivergent conditions, including autism and dyslexia. Says one member, “I love to hear from ‘real people’ about how ADHD is affecting their lives. I always learn something new about myself or about my clients. Either way, I realize that I am not alone with ADHD and Dani Donovan is a terrific room leader and ‘ADHD ambassador’.”
15. Guided Meditations with Lisa
21,200 members, 12,400 followers Lisa Abramson, called an inspiration by Oprah, leads daily, brief, powerful meditation sessions.
16. Mental Health Matters
6,400 members, 42,100 followers The goal of this club is to elevate mental health conversations that lead to social change. Discussions are led by industry experts and real people who have experienced mental health issues.
Best fitness clubs
17. Wellness Club
19,400 members, 97,500 followers The largest fitness club on Clubhouse offers a variety of scheduled weekly discussions, on everything from women’s wellness to gratitude and self-love, to conversations for Peloton fans. Popular room: The Clip Out podcast show post discussion takes place Sundays at 2 pm PST. Says one member, “The ClipOut keeps me informed on what’s going on with my favorite instructors. Clubhouse has added an additional social element that I had been missing during the pandemic—a place to hear other voices, all of us chatting live about our common interest in fitness and Peloton.” Another popular room: The daily 10-minute workout at 12 pm-12:10 pm PST, M-F. Each session includes 10-15 bodyweight exercises. The room’s motto: “Come for the workout, stay for the throwback jams.”
18. Wellness While Walking
41 members, 39 followers Host Carolyn Cohen created this club as a complement to her popular podcast of the same name. Clubhouse provides the opportunity for more interaction. Discussion topics include gratitude, sustainability, the 10,000 steps goal, and more. Participants are encouraged to walk or move in some other way during the conversation, even doing laundry or cleaning the house. Popular room: The weekly Clubhouse walk and discussion on Wednesdays at noon EST.
19. Crossfitters
26 members, 4,500 followers This club is for those interested in Crossfit or already participating in Crossfit. Discussion topics include sharing lifestyle tips, favorite equipment, working out safely during COVID-19 and more.
20. Peloton Riders of Clubhouse
4,600 members, 16,500 followers This club is a place for Peloton lovers to come together and share best practices, favorite classes and instructors, and successes. Popular room: Weekly discussion on Wednesdays at 8:30 pm EST Up next:Does sugar cause Iiflammation?