A good password is one that would be difficult for others to figure out. However, those difficult passwords can also be hard to remember. Even with all of the hacked accounts we hear about, many of us still choose to create a password that will be easy to keep in mind. However, the problem with that is what’s easy for you to remember could also be a password that is easy to crack.  Lists of the most common passwords used throughout 2022 were recently compiled by researchers that specialize in cybersecurity events. They went through a huge database from 30 countries to come up with the overall list (as well as lists of the most popular passwords by specific country) and reported that many of these passwords could be cracked in less than a second(!). The most difficult on their entire list is “9136668099,” which took four days to crack. What’s interesting, though, is that 26,154 people came up with this same password! We’re showing off two different lists below—the 100 most common passwords of 2022 consisting of combined data from 30 different countries, as well as the 100 most common passwords of 2022 specifically from the United States. As you look at the lists, you will see that most of the common passwords use a sequence of numbers. Some are in order and others are all the same number. Other frequently used passwords are sequences of letters and numbers that follow a pattern on the keyboard—sequences like these are not unique and are very easy to figure out. Why make it easier for hackers? A good, hard-to-figure-out password is especially important for any personal financial data. And if you look at the list from the U.S., you’ll see the names of loved ones, names of pets, and names of sports are incredibly popular as well. Take a look at these lists of the most common passwords used in 2022. Do you see your password? If so, go ahead and change it—but make sure your next idea isn’t on here either!

100 Most Common Passwords of 2022

Most Common Passwords Used in the United States in 2022

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