“Foot fungus is a skin infection that can be itchy or even painful,” says Ife Rodney, a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Eternal Dermatology and Aesthetics in Fulton, Maryland. “It may appear like white, moist peeling skin between the toes (especially between the fourth and fifth toes) or may just look like dry, scaly skin along the sides and soles of your feet.” Athlete’s foot is one of the most common types of foot fungus. The condition produces a scaly, itchy rash on the feet and in between the toes, according to Cleveland Clinic. The fungus thrives in warm, moist environments like gym locker rooms and showers, and it’s highly contagious. Another type, moccasin-type athlete’s foot, causes dry, scaly skin along the soles and sides of your feet, Rodney says. Sometimes, the fungus can spread to the toenail, she adds, “In this condition, the nails become thickened, flaky and may separate from the nail bed beneath.” Nail fungus will require its own set of treatments. No matter what type of foot fungus you have, avoid picking at the skin—it can spread to your hands or other parts of the body, Rodney says. In some cases, you may need to visit your dermatologist for treatment, but there are a few home remedies for foot fungus you can try first.

Home remedies for foot fungus

1. Keep your feet clean and dry

Foot fungi love moisture. Practicing good foot hygiene could help keep it away altogether. “This means washing your feet at least once a day and then ensuring that the tight spaces between the toes are completely dry,” Rodney says. It’s also a good idea to wash and dry your feet—especially in between your toes—after working out. Here’s How Often You Should Wash Your Bath Towel

 2. Change your socks daily

When laundry is piling up, it may be tempting to pull a pair of socks out of the hamper—but try not to. Wearing clean socks each day is a key part of foot hygiene and can keep foot fungus from spreading. “Be sure to change your socks daily to not re-infect your feet with dirty socks,” Rodney explains. Moisture-wicking socks are another option, especially during workouts when your feet may get extra sweaty.

3. Avoid tight-fitting shoes

Breathable shoes that don’t trap moisture are the best option for preventing foot fungus, since it thrives in tight, damp spaces. Ted Lain, board-certified dermatologist and chief medical officer at Sanova Dermatology in Austin, Texas, says wearing open-toe sandals instead of shoes is another way to let your feet air out.

4. Wear shoes in communal pools or showers

While you’re probably not frequenting many communal showers, public pools or hot tubs at the moment, for the future it’s important to note that these are breeding grounds for fungus. So if you visit these communal spaces, wear flip-flops or other waterproof shoes to protect your feet and avoid contact with spots contaminated with fungus, according to Cleveland Clinic.

5. Try tea tree oil

Also known as melaleuca oil, tea tree oil is an essential oil derived from the leaves of the Australian tea tree. And, tea tree oil creams could relieve symptoms of athlete’s foot, especially when applied twice a day for about a month. According to a 2002 study, a solution of 50% tea tree oil improved athlete’s foot for 68% of the research’s participants.

6. Use Vicks VapoRub

This drugstore staple may be best known for relieving coughs and congestion. But, it could also be a home remedy for foot fungus, Lain says, explaining it should be applied to the area daily. The ingredients menthol, eucalyptus oil, thymol and camphor in Vicks VapoRub have anti-fungal properties and could help lessen the effects of athlete’s foot, according to Podiatry Today.

7. Sprinkle on talcum powder

Talcum powder won’t cure foot fungus, but it could help by keeping your feet clean and dry. This, in turn, could keep the fungus from growing and spreading. Sprinkle talcum powder on your feet or in your shoes daily for a week and see if it helps. Baby powder or even corn starch may have similar effects.

8. Dust on foot powder

Several over-the-counter treatments are available to treat milder cases of foot fungus. Rodney recommends using Zeasorb Antifungal Powder on the feet, in between the toes and in your socks at least once a day. “The powder helps to absorb moisture, sweat and directly targets the fungus,” she explains.

9. Smooth on an antifungal cream

Look for antifungal creams at your local drugstore that contain ketoconazole or terbinafine as active ingredients, Rodney says. Just make sure to use them at night or whenever your feet can breathe, she explains, “You should not use these when wearing sneakers or boots because they may just add moisture to your already sweaty feet.”

10. Wash with antifungal cleanser

Antifungal washes, such as Nizoral, can help dry, scaly “moccasin type” foot fungus, Rodney says. “Gently lather it onto the entire feet, let sit for 15 minutes, then rinse off with water,” she adds. “As it is a wash, the medication can penetrate through all the dry, scaly skin and easily get to the fungus.”

When to visit the dermatologist

Many over-the-counter foot powders, washes, sprays or creams are usually enough to treat foot fungus, Lain says, but in order to stop the infection from recurring it’s important to make changes. “The infection will likely recur unless changes are made to daily activity: perhaps wearing open toe sandals instead of shoes, changing socks during the day if they get sweaty or adding in a drying powder to help reduce moisture.” If the infection doesn’t improve or continues to spread after trying home remedies for foot fungus, Rodney says it’s time to visit your dermatologist. “If blisters develop or you notice that the infection has spread to your nails, don’t delay,” she adds. “The longer you wait to treat the nail infection, the more difficult it becomes.” Next, read about what those white spots on your fingernails actually mean.


Dr. Ted Lain, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist, chief medical officer at Sanova DermatologyDr. Ife Rodney, MD, FAAD, board-certified dermatologist and founder of Eternal Dermatology and AestheticsCleveland Clinic: “How You Can Stop Foot and Toenail Fungus In Its Tracks"Podiatry Today: “Myth Or Reality: Is Vicks VapoRub Effective For Mycotic Toenails?” 10 Home Remedies for Foot Fungus  Athlete s Foot  Toenail Fungus - 41